International Business Development
Professional Customer Service for the German-speaking market
Customer Service Germany
Are you looking for a German professional to answer your potential foreign customers in German?
With the “4.1_Ufficio_Estero_IT - Assistenza Cliente” service we provide not only qualified personnel, but also the entire software structure to have an outsourced foreign office , ready to collaborate over time by managing foreign customer support processes.
The customer support we offer is provided based on your needs and methods, which will be identified during the knowledge phase.
The service aims to simplify the communication process in German/English.
The service is interesting both for companies that have just entered the foreign market , and for those that have been there for a longer time and wish to outsource the role of customer service with all the advantages in terms of time and costs that this entails.
The staff has VoIP call systems at their disposal , with which they make and manage call flows, putting quality first .
Furthermore, upon request, it is possible, through automations , to simplify the communication process between the parties to always be coordinated and attentive to the needs of the users.
Opening hours
08:00 / 12:30 - 14:30 / 18:00
in language Italian - English - German
Trial period
Try out your first month with zero fixed costs.
Ask us for a no-obligation quote to test the service.
We invite you to contact us
for an initial interview,
without any constraints.
Klarsons by Borsutzky Leo
Commercial services abroad